BTC $ 38,308.28 -0.138315%
ETH $ 2,751.54 0.461085%
ICOs 8,615

Vantage Token

Donations Tracked Down To The Transaction Level
The Vantage Network is a Contribution Tracking Platform that enables donors to see exactly how the money they contribute to a fundraising campaign is spent, down to the transaction level. This level of visibility engenders donor confidence, building trust in nonprofits and ultimately yielding more money raised to help people in need. Vantage Tokens (XVT) are a key component of the Vantage Network. A small percentage of every donation made via the Vantage Network is converted into XVT, which is utilized inside the platform to track how fundraising organizations spend the donations they receive.

Company services: Banking, Charity, Software
Website: Visit
Country: Cayman Islands
Social media
Blockchain companies
Same categories blockchain companies
Democratize Crypto Advertising & Marketing
Crypto Market Ads is new marketplace which solves all crypto advertising and marketing problems by connecting crypto market publishers and advertisers in one place (marketplace is working already). A democratic and decentralized crypto advertisement marketplace – that is the vision behind Crypto Market Ads. Our mission is to not only establish the best marketplace solution for crypto advertising and marketing but also create new blockchain (internet of goods and services) for global sellers and marketplaces. CMA company wants to change how sellers sell their goods and services by creating a truly global P2P (peer-to-peer) ecosystem, where sellers are trustful, and goods and services are instantly available globally through a network of marketplaces. CMA company also wants to deliver interactive online tools such as a drag-and-drop marketplace builder, and an ICO platform for marketplaces to ensure the success of all stakeholders involved. PLEASE READ WHITEPAPER TO UNDERSTAND ALL!

Company services: Smart Contract, Retail, Real estate, Platform, Other, Media, Manufacturing, Legal, Investment, Internet, Infrastructure, Health, Entertainment, Energy, Electronics, Education, Cryptocurrency, Communication, Charity, Casino & Gambling, Business services, Big Data, Banking, Artificial Intelligence, Art, Software, Sports, Tourism, Virtual Reality
Absolute Security Level
Project was developed to overcome the main barriers to full integration of blockchain-technologies into e-commerce market – high transaction fees, low speed and lack of transparency. We have a number of technical decisions for solving each of these problems: SDK and API instruments will allow to connect cryptocurrency wallets to electronic marketplaces just in few clicks and provide maximum simplicity of payments for goods and services; Anonymous mode of SONDER Wallet with implemented mechanism of obfuscation of transactions and encrypted chat guarantees absolute security for your deals; Fast transactions and zero fees will be provided in SONDER Mainnet to make cryptocurrencies the most efficient payment means.

Company services: Artificial Intelligence, Art, Banking, Big Data, Business services, Casino & Gambling, Charity, Communication, Cryptocurrency, Education, Electronics, Energy, Entertainment, Health, Infrastructure, Internet, Investment, Legal, Manufacturing, Media, Other, Platform, Real estate, Retail, Smart Contract, Software, Sports, Tourism, Virtual Reality
Next-Gen Learning - OS - Blockchain
Developeo is a multi business Blockchain backed company focused primarily on EdTech, FinTech, and BankTech. It aims to be a pioneer in education and career transformation/training creating most specialized professionals while helping governments, companies and future technologies' in growth & innovation. Business & Revenue Models: DEVX Bootcamps, DEVX University, DEVX Verifeid, DEVX Leadership, DEVX Athena, DEVX Demeter, DEVX Atlas, DEVX Hermes Education & Growth programs will ensure that the best next-gen intensive education and innovation in the most up-to-date curriculum will reach to its students including the studies of Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, IOT, Data Science, Data Art, FullStack Coding, Cybersecurity, AR/VR, Smartwear, Future Banking & Finance, Future Healthcare, Smart Homes & Cities, eSports and other related technologies to become available.

Company services: Platform, Internet, Entertainment, Education, Cryptocurrency, Communication, Business services, Big Data, Banking, Artificial Intelligence, Smart Contract, Software, Sports, Virtual Reality
The main goal of Xmoneta Messenger is to bring together many opportunities in a single place.One can chat, call, buy goods at online marketplace, pay bills and even send multiple currencies with the Xmoneta Messenger. We are creating a universal application that gives its users opportunity to do multiple things together with communication. We have another approach, using the Blockchain as the main technology and developing secure, centralization free and completely private messaging all in one application.

Company services: Banking, Business services, Charity, Communication
The Future of Finance
Mass adoption of cryptocurrency is hindered by two problems: (1) the extreme crypto-market volatility and (2) the lack of high-quality software. The Rubius ICO seeks to solve these two problems. They’re developing a payment app named Aryl, which has a unique Volatility Shield feature that enables users to avoid market volatility when using cryptocurrency. The company behind the Rubius ICO, Rubius Inc., is a blockchain software company focused on creating high-quality cryptocurrency products, services, and solutions. Aside from Aryl, they will be developing a cryptocurrency exchange called Rubiex, merchant tools (i.e. payment gateways, point-of-sale software, etc), a unique blockchain platform, and many more products outlined in the Rubius whitepaper. All of their products are powered by the Rubius protocol, a token-based payment network operating on the Ethereum blockchain. At the heart of the Rubius protocol is the cryptocurrency called RUBY, which are ERC20 coins offered in the ICO

Company services: Business services, Banking, Cryptocurrency, Internet, Platform, Software
Add Transparency to Corporate Cash Flows
Xriba has developed a protocol, accounting applications and various tool- sets to address the ambiguity in evaluating cryptocurrency companies from a financial perspective; Providing cryptocurrency companies and traditional companies alike a framework for remaining transparent and accountable to their investors, supporters, and the open market. Xriba has developed an open accounting protocol called the “Xriba Protocol” to record financial transaction records on a public decentralized ledger. This is revolutionary for the accounting industry and creates a decentralized method for saving archiving, and querying financial transaction records. The Xriba Protocol includes an open API that allows any third-party company to build their own accounting applications or tools on top of.

Company services: Business services, Banking, Artificial Intelligence, Cryptocurrency, Smart Contract, Software