BTC $ 38,308.28 -0.138315%
ETH $ 2,751.54 0.461085%
ICOs 8,615

Artis Turba

Now everyone can trade!
Artis Turba is a cryptocurrency trading platform that will simplify trading of all the leading cryptocurrencies by market capitalization and allow everyone with a smartphone to trade on a clean and intuitive and thus user friendly interface.

Company services: Cryptocurrency, Investment
Website: Visit
Country: South Africa
Blockchain companies
Same categories blockchain companies
The Future of CryptoCurrency Transactions
CryptoXpress is the world’s first fully end to end encrypted, centralized mobile trading exchange app and remittances. Backed by industry leaders in block-chain, cryptography and remittances.

Company services: Cryptocurrency, Internet, Investment, Platform
Mining Blockchain by Jobs
Vikky is an application that allows you to advertise short term jobs, displaying locations on the map from chores such as electricity and water repairs, houses, gardening, etc. to deliver goods from one place to another. Vikky draws on a route map that connects the departure and destination (such as the itinerary), allowing the recipient to easily find a task suitable to their flight. Or a carrier could get more goods on the way to their destination.

Company services: Business services, Communication, Cryptocurrency, Investment, Platform
“Right Now” Delivery Disruption
Zeew is based on the MVP – commercially available on-demand delivery platform – ZEEW, which is already operating in 1 country in Europe for the past 6 months and have 58 businesses using us on daily bases.

Company services: Artificial Intelligence, Business services, Communication, Cryptocurrency, Infrastructure, Internet, Investment, Platform, Smart Contract, Software
Blockhive's Second Initial Loan Procurement
blockhive will raise debt using a new structure it has developed jointly with Agrello, called Initial Loan Procurement (ILP), a legally binding loan agreement. Once creditors enter a loan agreement with blockhive through ILP, they receive Hive tokens. The token allows creditors 1) to trade their contracts with others, 2) for new token holders to enter into a loan agreement with blockhive. Creditors are entitled to receive, as interest on the loan, 20 percent of the annual operating profits generated by blockhive from the platform. As the company incubates more projects, it expects revenue to grow potentially. The debt raised will be used on new resources such as hiring as blockhive expands its ecosystem.

Company services: Investment, Cryptocurrency, Business services, Platform, Smart Contract
KNL Tokenization Platform
KNL – is a platform that unites and considers the needs of farmers, traders, investors, exporters. We provide each participant with the opportunities and instruments that make up a whole chain of efficient processes for maintaining the operational activities of the agricultural industry KNL tokenization platform is the digitization of grain assets, real estate and property. KNL provides not only financing, crops storage based on its own elevators, but also fully solves any logistics issues. KNL will include infrastructure that ensures a full cycle of logistics operations, in particular, the opportunity of loading crops into our transport right from the combine and its following transportation to the elevator, as well as crops delivery to the buyer from the elevator. The whole process will be highly digitalized, which will give the farmer an opportunity to control the transport and storage peculiarities of each unit of grain crops. An integral part of the project is surely the insurance of both the future harvest and already harvested crops.

Company services: Platform, Manufacturing, Investment, Infrastructure, Cryptocurrency, Real estate
Prosperity in your own Hands
Imagine having the smartest asset manager in the world who would accept you no matter the size of your fund. Who would trade 24/7 for you to maximise your profit and would never get tired or knows no fear or greed? Someone who is entirely transparent about the positions and the advantages. Introducing Prally, your artificial intelligence at the heart of Bitenny. As a bonus, we also provide you with the opportunity to pay for your purchases online as well as offline using cryptocurrency. Alternatively, you can split the bill between digital and fiat tokens if you need to. The choice is yours.

Company services: Platform, Investment, Cryptocurrency, Artificial Intelligence